Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So I got bored

Hello to any random observers of my page, though I cannot give you my full name, you can call me Alex. I have few worries that this page will be discovered by friends or family, however I believe there isn't enough intelligence surfacing within the realm of fat admiration, or at least, not many intellectuals, or eloquent writers.

Allow me to further introduce myself. I am an 18 year old man living in New York state. I'm an engineering major and I'm applying to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to major in aerospace engineering. I plan to work for NASA, and aspire to design rockets, and spacecraft. I'm a musician and write/play a variety of classic rock on guitar, of course, I find difficulty in finding high school band-mates interested in my genre of music. I currently have a beautiful girlfriend who, after suffering horrible self conscious issues throughout her life, is now much more comfortable with her body as a whole due to my attractions.

I have a strong belief that sexuality in western society is leading to a renewed period of privatization of all sorts of sexuality, much like the late 19th century. My view is based on a factor unconsidered by most who state the opposite of my theory. Sexual fetishism. Western sexuality is a closed box to many for a variety of reasons. The first of which is the media, which does everything in its power to assert impossibly thin models for beauty. This in turn causes the public to shun all other forms of sexuality. Eventually, since the majority of the popular could be argued to have sexuality differing from the norm, if we factor in every single homosexual, everyone who prefers a woman with a little bit more flesh, everyone who focuses on ears, noses, feet, and violence. Chances are, the mainstream sexuality, while in the majority, is heavily outnumbered by an underground conglomeration of minority sexualities, and though we are not organized, nor plan to organize, nor even contain striking similarities, we are still a majority. If the majority is shunned into believing their attractions are unnatural, or disgusting, then the populace of western civilization will undoubtably be less happy than if they were allowed to pursue their perversions. (Please note, paraphelias are not included in this argument, at least, none of the harmful ones, such as Pedophilia and rape fetishes). Not only this, the societal norm depicting impossibly thin, and oftentimes, disgustingly out of proportion women leads to the new rise in eating disorders, horribly sad conditions which afflict millions of men and women.

Thats all for now, I will return with further ranting later

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